What is a preterm labour?
Preterm labour is the onset of labour before 37 weeks of gestation.
The easy medical mnemonic for medical students for different causes of pre term labour is " Infected Weak MUM Has Pre-Term labour"
@ Infected & Weak MUM Has Pre-term labour
Weak Cervix
Multiple Pregnancy & Uterine distension
Uterine Anomalies
Maternal or Fetal Stress
Chorionamnionitis is the infection of fetal membranes and is a major cause of Pre-term birth particularly in < 32 weeks.
Weak Cervix:
Cervical weakness causes PAINLESS dilation of cervix and there is history of PAINLESS 2nd trimester pregnancy loss.
Past history of cervical surgery is a major risk factor.
Multiple Pregnancy & Uterine distension :
Uterine distension by multiple pregnancy or less commonly by polyhydramnios causes Pre-term delivery.
Uterine Anomalies:
Congenital Uterine anomalies are associated with fetal growth retardation, 1st and 2nd trimester miscarriage, PPROM, Preterm birth, Breech presentation and C-section.
Maternal or Fetal Stress are associated with increased pre-term labour.
Antepartum hemorrhage and Placental abruption may cause spontaneous pre-term labour. Thrombin released in acute bleeding directly stimulates uterine contractions.
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