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Showing posts from August, 2020

Buerger's Disease or Thromboangitis Obliterans

What is Buerger's Disease/ Thromboangitis Obliterans? Buerger's disease or Thromboangitis Obliterans is a rare disease that affects veins and medium sized arteries of your hands and feet.   These blood vessels get inflamed and obstructed. Decreased blood flow causes ischemic pain known as claudication. In later stages there is death of cells and tissue in the area causing ulcers, gangrene and can also lead to amputation of hands and fingers.   What is the cause of Buerger's Disease? The cause of Buerger's disease is not known. But it is almost always   a disease of smokers.   The patient is usually a male smoker in his 20s or 30s. The symptoms are claudication, numbness, tingling. Raynaud phenomenon in which the fingers turn pale on exposure to cold can be seen. How is Buerger's Disease diagnosed?  There is no definitive test for diagnosis of Buerger's Disease. But a history of tobacco smoking, and younger age favours diagnosis. Physical ...

How is the Bishop Score Calculated?

  The Bishop Score Score 0 1 2 3 Dilation of cervix in centimeters 0 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or more Consistency Firm Medium Soft   Length <2cm 2-1 1-0.5 cm <0.5cm Position Posterior Central Anterior   Station of presenting part -3 -2 -1 or 0 Below ischial spines   What is the Bishop Score? The Bishop Score is a scoring system used to assess the cervix during induction of labour.   During labor, there is spontaneous softening, shortening, effacement, and dilation of cervix. Cervix also moves forward from posterior position to more anterior position.   Factors more favourable for labor are Dilated cervix Soft consis...

Methods of Induction of Labor

Different methods of induction of labour are: Membrane Sweeping This method is only performed at term and placenta previa is ruled out prior to the procedure. After cervix begins to dilate, a gloved finger is inserted through the cervix and is rotated around the inner rim of cervix. In this method chorionic membrane is stripped off from underlying decidua which causes release of natural prostaglandins.   Prostaglandin Prostaglandin is available in form of gel, pessary, or tablet. PG E2 is the most common formulation. It can be inserted vaginally into the cervix to ripen cervix and initiate contractions.   Artificial rupture of membranes Prostaglandin alone may not be sufficient for a successful induction of labour especially in primiparous women. In cases Artificial rupture of Membranes and Oxytocin are used.   Oxytocin Oxytocin can be used after rupture of membranes. It is   given in IV infusion as dilute solution.   3-5 cont...

Causes of Preterm Labor Mnemonic

  What is a preterm labour? Preterm labour is the onset of labour before 37   weeks of gestation.   The easy medical mnemonic for medical students for different causes of pre term labour is " Infected Weak MUM Has Pre-Term labour"   @ Infected & Weak MUM H as Pre-term labour   Infections   Weak Cervix   M ultiple Pregnancy & Uterine distension   U terine Anomalies   M aternal or Fetal Stress   H emorrhage   Infections: Chorionamnionitis is the infection of fetal membranes and is a major cause of Pre-term birth particularly in < 32 weeks.   Weak Cervix: Cervical weakness causes PAINLESS dilation of cervix and there is history of PAINLESS 2nd trimester pregnancy loss. Past history of cervical surgery is a major risk factor.   Multiple Pregnancy & Uterine distension : Uterine distension by multiple pregnancy or less commonly by polyhydra...

Causes of Cushing's Syndrome

  Causes of Cushing's Syndrome are as follows:   Looking at causes of Cushing Syndrome on basis of plasma ACTH levels, later helps in understanding the approach to investigations performed in diagnosis of Cushing's disease .   First use of exogenous steroids should be ruled out. Iatrogenic use of steroids is common cause of Cushing's Syndrome. Exogenous steroids cause feedback inhibition of ACTH secretion.   If plasma ACTH level is undetectable and there is no exogenous use of steroids then the source of increased cortisol level is likely an adrenal adenoma/ cancer / hyperplasia . The feedback inhibition due to increased cortisol levels make ACTH levels undetectable.   If ACTH levels are increased then it means the cause of high cortisol levels is high ACTH levels. This increased ACTH is due to either pituitary cause or ectopic ACTH secretion .   What are causes of ectopic ACTH secr...