Overview Asthma is a reversible airway disease. Recurrent episodes of dyspnoea, cough, and wheeze Caused by reversible airway obstruction. Asthma has 3 contributory factors: bronchial smooth muscle contraction mucosal swelling/inflammation increased mucus production All these factors result in airway narrowing. Public Domain File: Asthma attack-illustration NIH.jpg Symptoms Dyspnoea or shortness of breath --- Intermittent wheeze, cough (often nocturnal) Diurnal variation -- symptoms vary over day, Marked morning dipping of peak flow can occur Precipitants: Cold air, exercise, allergens -- dust, pollen, mites History of family history of atopy Drugs: Aspirin, B-blockers Occupational Asthma are symptoms better on days away from work? are symptoms better when on holiday/vacation? Drug-Induced Asthma Aspirin B-blocker Signs Tachypnea Audible wheeze, Hyperresonant, Hyperinflated, widespread polyphonic wheeze listen to wheeze here Severe attack: unable to complete sentences PR>...